Metal and metal-roll with delivery
TPC metal products Szeged, Hungary sale of steel, stainless steel, non-ferrous metal products: water and gas pipes, profile pipes, angles, channels, I-beams, squares, strips, reinforcement, circles, steel sheets, profiled sheets, hexagons with delivery to Szeged.
Steel round pipe
Water and gas pipe, longitudinal welded pipe, seamless pipe, galvanized water and gas pipe
Galvanized profiled sheeting
Profiled sheeting C 8, C 20, C 21, HC 35 of coating: galvanized, polymer.
When buying rolled metal products in TPC metal products Szeged you will receive high quality and benefits:
All metal undergoes careful selection. We present the entire range of metal with mandatory certificates that meet the most stringent quality standards.
You can consult with our managers, find out the price, delivery and payment terms, and place an order for the supply of rolled metal products by sending a request online on the website or by calling us
Csongrád County delivery
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